Friday, 31 October 2008

Foolish Friday Funny

My friend is a rollercoaster operator - he lost his job this morning.
He's suing for funfair dismissal.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Foolish Friday Funny

Two Mexicans are lost in the desert. They see a tree in the distance. As they get nearer they see it’s draped with rasher upon rasher of juicy bacon.
"Hey Pepe", says the first man. "Ees a bacon tree, we're saved!"
Then he runs to the tree but is gunned down in a hail of bullets.

"What happened?" shouts Pepe. With his last breath, his friend shouts "Run amigo, ees not a bacon tree.
Ees a ham bush."

Friday, 17 October 2008

Foolish Friday Funny

I was walking in a cemetery this morning and I spotted a bloke hiding behind a gravestone. I said, "Morning."

He replied, "No, just having a poo."

Friday, 10 October 2008

Foolish Friday Funny

How many Alzheimer's patients does it take to change a lightbulb?

To get to the other side.

Friday, 03 October 2008

Foolish Friday Funny

What did the aspiring Yogi say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything.